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Uploaded powerful new song by Stephanie Lawrence:  "At The Cross".

Kurtis Parks is recording the vocals for "Who Can Separate Us".



Hi everyone. Thought I'd share some of the exciting things that have been happening...

First of all, you probably noticed the amazing new look for the Recent Rainfall website.  The credit goes to the multi-talented Robin Statzer who created the graphic design and website layout.

"Show Your Glory Lord" placed in the top 10 at the World Revival Center's Uprising songwriting contest.  It was also featured in the August episode of the syndicated SockSpider Radio program which goes out on stations to a combined listening audience of one million people in places such as Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Germany, and the United States, as well as 100 XML and podcast feeds! Wow! A big thanks to SockSpider mastermind Paul Gentry for this opportunity. 

The Intro Radio Show has added "Holy Moment" to their playlist. The Intro show is carried on a wide array of stations around the world.  A big thanks to DJ Darryl Hurd for giving us this opportunity to share our music with a huge audience.

Rockin' Ron from KBCU 88.1 has informed me that he will be using "Bless and Keep You" as a regular closing song for his radio shows. I already knew that Ron is a cool guy, but this is WAY cool!

Recent Rainfall has placed songs with 3 artists: 8 songs with White Horse, 5 with Jonathan Smith, and a song with Stephanie Gay. The albums will be recorded this Fall and I will post links on the website when they are done.

We've got a new song is in the works called "Beautiful Noise" - it's a rockin' uptempo call to worship with a little bit of a David Crowder vibe on the chorus - a fresh sound, and pretty different from anything we've done before.  The rough recording is done, and the song will go to the studio when funds become available.